St Patrick's Catholic Primary School
Following the loving example shown by Jesus Christ
023 8044 8502
The curriculum refers to all learning experiences planned for the children during their time at St Patrick’s. Our curriculum promotes our school ethos aiming to meet the needs of every individual child, allowing each to learn and achieve whilst preparing them for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of life. We take full account of the National Primary Curriculum starting in Foundation Stage with the Early Learning Goals and concluding in Year 6 at the end of Key Stage 2 and we cover all the recognised National Curriculum subjects.
Whilst all the subject specific skills are taught, we have sought to integrate aspects of our curriculum, tailoring it to the needs of our children. In this way, children may use English writing skills to write a report in a History lesson or graphing skills within a Science lesson. This integration of curriculum areas allows lessons to be more interesting and the children can see the relevance of their learning.
We have designed an ambitious and inspiring curriculum that enthuses our children and gives them a thirst for knowledge. It interweaves aspects of career-led learning and the principles of Catholic Social Teaching with the key basic skills of reading, writing and maths.
Religious Education
The Catholic Christian ethos of the school is the foundation upon which everything we do is built. RE is more than a subject - it is implicit in all that we teach and how we teach. The children learn about the Catholic religion and learn about other traditions and faiths, following the Diocesan-approved programme God Matters.
Catholic Social Teaching Overview
As is the case in all schools, parents have the right to withdraw their children from all, or part, of religious education or religious worship. If you wish to exercise this right, you must arrange to discuss this with the Headteacher.
Early Years Foundation Stage
This is literally the foundation of our school and highly valued by our whole school community. The curriculum is play-based and organised around the children's interests.
During English lessons children engage in a number of activities, which include speaking and listening, reading, writing and spelling. Children are encouraged to embed these skills in other subject areas.
Reading Instructional Programme
We follow the guidance of the Primary National Curriculum for mathematics with time given to both mental and written strategies and plenty of hands-on practical experience. All children are taught to apply their learning through reasoning and problem solving activities. The main programme of work followed is Power Maths.
The teaching of the science is topic based and children are encouraged to develop enquiring minds by investigating, experimenting and questioning the things in the world around them.
Science Instructional Programme
Computing is taught across the whole school, both as a separate subject area and also through other subjects.
The teaching of history is topic based and the children learn about past times both in our own culture (the Victorians) and in the wider world (the Romans). Whenever possible, the learning is enhanced by educational visits and participation in themed days, which incorporate a variety of activities such as drama, art and cookery.
History Instructional Programme
Geography is also topic based and children are taught key skills such as mapping as well as developing an awareness of how places differ. They learn about localities in Britain and the wider world. Visits within our local area are undertaken and the children enjoy special themed days.
Art and Design
The children learn about particular artists and styles whilst being given plenty of opportunity to develop their own techniques and skills. They have access to a wide variety of media and both individual and class work is displayed throughout the school.
Art and Design Curriculum 2024-25
Design and Technology
Special projects take place throughout the school, giving every child a chance to experience the various aspects of this subject from model making, to textiles and cookery. The children are encouraged to plan and evaluate their activities and to share their results with others.
Design and Technology Curriculum 2024-25
St Patrick’s has a full, varied music curriculum. Class-based lessons ensure coverage of the national requirements but, in addition, there are plenty of opportunities for children to develop musically. Musical instrument lessons are arranged by an outside service - currently Amplify Music Services.
Physical Education
Sports at St Patricks covers a variety of activities including Football, Gymnastics, team sports and Hockey. We provide equal opportunities to develop transferrable skills such as balance, agility, attacking and defending throughout their time at school. We take pride in attending sporting events outside of school which range from a competitive setting to developing their social and emotional skills
Personal Social & Health Education
Educating our children about PSHE is a very important task and it is a continuous process from when children are very young through to adulthood. The school has an active involvement in this task through the Life to the Full programme, which integrates Relationships and Sex Education with PSHE.
Modern Foreign Language
Children learn Spanish following themed units focusing on conversation. Teaching is delivered through a range of interactive activities which include games and songs.
Our core reading and phonics scheme is Read Write Inc.
Maths Skills
We use our own scheme of key skills progression to support our teaching of the basic skills and all children are regularly assessed using our own assessments.
For further details of our curriculum, please contact the school office.