St Patrick's Catholic Primary School
Following the loving example shown by Jesus Christ
023 8044 8502
The Governing Body
Meet the Governors
Governor Documents
The Governing body has twelve members currently, all coming from a wide range of backgrounds. We are all volunteers and are appointed to assist in the strategic direction of the school. The members include the Chair, the Vice Chair, Parent governors, Foundation governors, Local Authority governors, school staff and the Headteacher.
The governors do not get involved in the day to day running of the school or in how the school is managed, but are there as support to the Headteacher and senior leaders in promoting high standards of education, welfare and spiritual well-being of all our pupils.
We work as a team alongside the Headteacher and senior leaders to promote and support the success of the school. We act as a "Critical Friend" helping to ensure high standards are maintained and that all of our children remain happy and healthy whilst making outstanding educational progress.
The Governors meet on a regular basis in the form of three committees:
Curriculum Committee
Remit: curriculum, standards, school improvement
Resources Committee
Remit: finance, personnel, premises
RE Committee
Remit: Catholic life and mission, RE and Collective Worship
The full Governing Body meets every half-term to discuss outstanding issues from the committees and to receive feedback from the Headteacher and senior leaders regarding the progress of the school.
In addition to this, Governors are linked with various aspects of the work of the school and meet periodically with school staff to monitor and promote progress towards targets. Whenever possible, Governors support staff and pupils by attending the many events that take place during the course of the year.
Steve Deadman
Chair of Governors
For more information, please contact:
Sam Collins
Clerk to the Governors,
c/o: St Patrick's Catholic Primary School, Fort Road, Southampton SO19 2JE