It has been quite a few weeks since all the children were back in school, so here are a few reminders of the routines and expectations: the arrangements are the same as they were in the Autumn term. I’m trying to keep this to just the key points, so if there is anything else you need to know, please contact us.
Year Group Gate Drop Off Pick Up
Foundation Stage Fort Road 8.50 – 9.00 2.50 – 3.00
Year 1 Porchester Road 8.30 – 8.40 3.00 – 3.10
Year 2 Church gate 8.30 – 8.40 3.00 – 3.10
Year 3 Porchester Road 8.40 – 8.50 3.10 – 3.20
Year 4 Church gate 8.40 – 8.50 3.10 – 3.20
Year 5 Fort Road 8.40 – 8.50 3.10 – 3.20
Year 6 Fort Road 8.30 – 8.40 3.00 – 3.10
The government has said that attendance is mandatory again as of Monday 8th March – this means that all children are legally required to attend school, unless your child has received an official shielding letter or is self-isolating. We will continue to provide remote education in these cases.
Picking Up and Dropping Off
Children should be dropped off by 1 parent only at the allocated gate and at the time given. Please keep to timings as it is very important for avoiding unnecessary contact and avoid using public transport where possible.
Parents should maintain a 2m distance from each other if waiting outside the gate. If you have no one to look after younger siblings, please ensure they stay with you and do not interact with other families. The timeslots given are long enough that you will have time to drop off more than 1 child in different year groups.
Children will make their own way to their classrooms.
Children will then wash their hands as soon as they enter the classroom.
At the end of the day, parents should wait at their allocated gate at the appropriate time.
Children should bring in as little as possible; a lunch box, water bottle, coat/ hat should be sufficient for most children.
Please do not bring in bags unless there is a real need – we will allow them, but obviously the less children bring in, the less the risk of spreading any potential virus.
School Uniform
The usual school uniform requirements will apply again, but we do understand that children may have grown out of them since last in school! Please do your best to comply, but let us know if you have any difficulties.
On PE days, the children should come to school in their PE kits:
PE Day(s)
Foundation (Year R) No change as they wear joggers anyway
Year 1 Tuesday and Friday
Year 2 Monday
Year 3 Tuesday
Year 4 Friday
Year 5 Thursday
Year 6 Wednesday
Return of Chromebooks
We need to get back the chromebooks that have been on loan over the lockdown, which is quite a big job! To try and do this efficiently and safely, we are asking you to drop them off to the school office, following this schedule – ideally after 9.30 if it is possible:
Mon 8th – Foundation
Tues 9th – Year 1
Weds 10th – Year 2
Thurs 11th – Year 3
Fri 12th – Year 4
Mon 15th – Year 5
Tues 16th – Year 6
Please remember to social distance if you are waiting and the office staff will come out and collect and sanitise as quickly as they can.
We realise that for some children (and parents) who have not been at school since before Christmas, this could be a very anxious time and all the staff are mindful of this and will support as needed. Should you wish any further support or guidance or want to discuss particular worries with us, please contact Mrs Mullin on 07712 097633 or the school office.
Best Wishes,
Michael Lobo