Apologies for the late update today, but we wanted to wait for the latest news from the Department of Education. As you may have heard earlier, the prime minister has announced that all schools will close on Friday until further notice. We will therefore be open as usual tomorrow and Friday for all children.. The Chief Medical Officer has emphazised that children are not at particular risk, but the measures are consistent with the need to reduce social contact.
Over the course of tomorrow, we expect to be given more information about what provision will be made for children of key workers and those with particular needs. At the moment:
We have sent out work packs to most children and the remainder will be delivered tomorrow.
We will be sending out a list of useful websites for home learning.
We are adapting the school website so that all information/ home learning can be more easily found.
We are making arrangements for all children who qualify for Free School Meals to receive a meal while the school is closed.
You will have received a form via Parentmail asking if you need free Easter holiday childcare
Additionally, we have offered the use of the school as a community hub for whatever purpose might prove necessary over the coming weeks and many of our staff have volunteered their time to help.
Should you have any questions or need advice or guidance at this difficult time, please do not hesitate to contact us. Attached to this message is a prayer time idea from the Diocese which you may wish to use with your families.
Best wishes,
Michael Lobo - Headteacher
Suzanne Friel - Deputy Headteacher