Thank you for all the pictures and photos you've sent in so far - they're on the front of the school website. It's lovely to see all the creative things you've been getting up to at home! Please keep sending them to or tweet us @StPatricksSoton.
The staff have written some messages to their classes which we'll send out separately and also put on the class pages of the website. Some have even sent you a video message!
Home Learning
We have sent lots of work and online activities for the children to do, but they are not obligatory. The children are not going to be able to learn at home in the same way as they do at school – if they could, they wouldn’t need to come to school and we’d all be out of a job! The teachers have put together a collection of activities that are suitable for your child and you can choose to do all, some or none at all – your child will not be in trouble whatever you decide.
Our suggestion is that every day you do:
some reading (either read to them or they read themselves)
some sort of writing that your child enjoys (could be finding out about something exciting - see Alba's Koala on the website)
some maths work (could be linked to cooking, games, making things)
some physical exercise (maybe Joe Wicks)
some creative activities eg drawing, Lego, playdough, making
Most of all, make sure the children are happy and not stressed out with what you are asking them to do: if they are enjoying the time, then you can be sure you are doing the right thing!
United Parents
Are running virtual meetings for single parents on Friday mornings at 9.30 - see the attached poster for how to join them.
Public Nursing Service
The School Nursing and Health Visiting services run a confidential texting service which you might find useful, See attached poster.
MyON Reading
All children can access these books for free, but the quizzes are only for Years 3-6. Login details attached.
Classic Books
You can also access a huge collection of classic books free at the National Emergency Library
Sunday 29th March
This Sunday is the 5th Sunday of Lent, when all the crosses in church are traditionally covered up as we await Palm Sunday and the celebration of Holy Week. Attached you will find a family liturgy which you can take part in on Sunday. Portsmouth Cathedral are also broadcasting live mass and you can follow it here:
We hope you all have a lovely weekend and look forward to communicating with you again on Monday.
"No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted." Aesop (Ancient Greek storyteller)
Best wishes,
Michael Lobo - Headteacher
Suzanne Friel - Deputy Headteacher