The half-term holiday has crept up on us quickly and the last week has been just as busy as ever both at home and at school. We had to celebrate the start of Lent this week in some classes and the Year 2 children have been having a go at making (and eating!) pancakes. Year 6 at home and in school have been enjoying their topic about the Second World War and have rounded off the half-term this week by designing and making some superb models of WW2 gardens and shelters! I know it’s been a long hard few weeks for many of you at home trying to work and manage home-schooling, so thank you for everything you’re doing and it really won’t be too long now.
Just as we did over Christmas, if any of the children who have been in school this week do return a positive Covid test over half-term, please let us know straight away ( in case we have to do any contact-tracing.
Mrs Calleya and Mrs Farmer
We say a fond farewell to Mrs Sandy Calleya and Mrs Anne Farmer who have both worked at the school since 1993! They have been loyal servants of St Patrick’s and always done everything that was asked of them and I know generations of children, parents and staff will remember them fondly. We are hoping to have a proper farewell for them when things are back to normal, but in the meantime we wish them all the best for their retirement.
Parent-Teacher Consultations
Staff will be holding parent-teacher consultation meetings virtually during the week beginning March 1st. This can be either on the phone or via a Teams call. Please book your slot using the online system here, which should be available from 6pm tonight:
For parents of children in Years 5 and 6, you will receive a separate email advising which teacher to book your slot with, as there have been some rearrangements of staff due to Covid: all other year groups should book with their normal class teacher. If you can’t make any of the available slots, please don’t worry – let us know and we will make alternative arrangements.
Message from Mrs Davis
Mrs Davis is our Special Needs Coordinator (SENDCO) and has been in touch with many of you regularly over the lockdown period. If anyone wants any support or advice from her or just a chat, you can email her on
Message from the Council
The infection rate of COVID-19 in Southampton continues to fall.
This is good news, but the ICU at Southampton General Hospital is still under intense pressure.
We need the infection rate to continue to fall as the vaccine rollout continues at pace.
That means we have to stick with it Southampton.
Stay Home, Protect the NHS, Save Lives.
This week, Fr Ross led our liturgy with Y6 and talked to us about Jesus’ healing and how that can be a comfort to us. This Sunday is the last Sunday before Lent and we hear another story about Jesus healing a sick man: these are all very pertinent with Covid going on around us and remind us that God is always there in our times of trouble.
Next Wednesday is Ash Wednesday, the start of Lent. Fr Ross is saying Mass at St Patrick’s Church at 9.30am and the Annunciation, Netley at 7pm (numbers limited – first-come/ first-served) but if you can’t make that, there will a service available online on the parish website (
I’m going to end this week with an uplifting poem composed by Eva in Year 5 – well done Eva!
If you need us over the holidays, please call/ text Mrs Mullin on 07712 097633 or email us on
Have a wonderful Spring break.
Michael Lobo
Spring is nearly here
So we let out a little cheer
Birds will start being chirpy
And everything will be less murky.
The sun will shine more in the sky
And the weather will become more dry.
Extra walks we’ll be able to do
And get rid of this nasty flu.
Flowers represent beautiful dreams
And so ….again the grass will be green.
Eva (Year 5)