Another packed week brings us to half-term. Earlier in the week, Year 2 led our celebration of Crowning of Our Lady, for which they learnt a new song and re-enacted crowning Mary with a crown of flowers in honour of her special role as the mother of Jesus. Foundation have continued the work in their herb garden, which is really starting to blossom now and today 6AF gave an inspiring ukulele concert (great to see so many parents online to watch them) after only a few weeks of lessons with Mrs Thomas. However I think my highlight this week was seeing the number of children learning instruments and how excited they all are as they go bounding off to their lesson with a violin, a guitar or even a trombone!
The staff would like to say thank you to the SPSA for organising a wonderful surprise video and medal for all of them in recognition of all the hard work that went into lockdown.
Playground Update
Year 6 have nearly finished their designs and will be presenting to all of us after half-term so that we can choose the designs we want. We will then also be asking you for your suggestions and ideas. In the background, there is a lot of work going on to deal with drainage and management of trees (all the trees in our playground have Tree Preservation Orders!) and all is on track for the work to start on the first day of the summer holidays.
Dates and Events
We still do not have any firm guidance as to when we can allow parents back into school for events, so we have prepared a provisional schedule, assuming that things are back to normal after 21st June. Sports days will happen in year groups to avoid mixing bubbles just in case and if we are allowed to, we will of course invite parents in for this. Timings will be confirmed as soon as we can, as it may be that we even have to keep classes separate and do them at different times of the day.
23rd June – Year 3 Sports Day
25th June – Year 4 Sports Day
9th July – Year 2 Sports Day
14th July – Foundation Sports Day
1st July – Year 6 Sports Day
2nd July – Year 5 Sports Day
6th July – Year 1 Sports Day
6th July pm – Foundation End of Year Show
8th July am – Foundation End of Year Show
15th July (evening) – Year 6 Show
16th July (matinee and evening) – Year 6 Show
Message from the Council
The number of COVID-19 cases in Southampton, as well as hospital admissions for coronavirus, continues to decline in Southampton, though cases nationwide have increased slightly. We need to remember that COVID-19 still poses a risk to our health and variants continue to spread, so please continue following the safe steps to stop it:
Keep windows and doors open when mixing with other households indoors, including at home.
Self-isolate and book a test if you have symptoms. If you’ve been told to self-isolate by NHS Test and Trace, or are caring for a child who’s self-isolating, you may be able to get financial support.
Test twice a week if you don’t have symptoms. You can find out more about how to book or collect a test online.
Remember the basics: hands, face, space and fresh air.
When shopping or waiting in a queue, remember social distancing.
Have a vaccine when offered. Those aged 30+ are now eligible and you can book your vaccine through the NHS website even if you haven't yet received a letter.
This Sunday we celebrate the wondrous feast of the Holy Trinity – God in three and God in one: just as Jesus sent his disciples out into the world with a mission to baptise in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, so must we continue that mission through our words and actions.
Finally thank you all for your support especially with the Covid precautions over this term - we have not had any cases in school since Easter, which I am sure has been a great relief to everyone.
Have a lovely Bank Holiday and half-term and see you on 7th June.
Michael Lobo