St Patrick's Catholic Primary School
Following the loving example shown by Jesus Christ
023 8044 8502
Pupil Premium
Pupil Premium is additional government funding given to schools to close the attainment gap between children from low income and other disadvantaged families, and their peers.
Our Pupil Premium Champion is Mrs Suzanne Friel.
Who is Eligible?
Every child in receipt of Free School Meals (FSM)
Any child who has previously received FSM in the last 6 years
Children who are in care or have been “looked after” for more than 6 months
Any child whose parents are serving in the Armed Forces
Click here to find out if your child is entitled to Pupil Premium
How can the Pupil Premium be spent?
As a school, we decide how the Pupil Premium is spent for the benefit of the entitled pupils. Funding will be allocated following a ‘needs analysis’ which will identify priority groups or individuals for:
Extra support and 1:1 tuition
Challenge and support interventions
Free instrumental lessons
Lessons, clubs and visits
Financial support with uniform costs
At St Patrick's we monitor the progress and attainment of all children along with particular groups, so that we can adjust our curriculum and support, to raise standards. Our objective is to ensure pupils in vulnerable groups have accelerated rates of progress and achieve at least in line with other pupils. The Pupil Premium Grant contributes towards achieving this objective.
To learn how St Patrick's is currently using the Pupil Premium, please download our Pupil Premium Strategy Statement for 2024-25 (part of our 3 year 2024-2026 plan)